(+92) 213-631-2298
These are the standard filters, the most used on the market. They are composed by acetate tow and porous or non-porous plug wrap. They can be used on any kind of cigarette, from the most delicate to the most intense taste, allowing to obtain the smoking performance wished by the customer.
Double filters may be acetate/acetate or acetate/acetate with an additive, providing in both cases important advantages if compared to classical monoacetate filters.
Currently, the most used additive is the active carbon which improves the filtering of organic semivolatile substances. The active carbon also permit to modify the taste and to make the smoke smoother. The microparticles of carbon can be added in different quantities according to the customer’s indications.
Currently these filters are the most multi-segmented filters on the market. Triple filters allow the alternated use of one or more filtering additives or the addition of flavors. Additives can be added in different quantities according to the customer’s indications.
Acetate filters with porous and non-porous plug wrap, with reduced diameter for the production of slim and ultraslim cigarettes. They can be supplied with diameter lower to the slim 5.7mm for several applications.